The EFN training courses are accredited by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) International Continuing Nursing Education Credits (ICNECs) – with 2 ICNECs each course.
- What is an International Continuing Nursing Education Credit (ICNEC)?
The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has instituted a system of credits for participation in approved continuing education activities in response to increased internationalism, an accelerated demand for formal recognition of acquired continuing education, and growing re-licensure requirements that demand a professional profile or portfolio as proof of continuing competency. Recognised worldwide, the International Continuing Nursing Education Credits (ICNECs) can be used by nurses for their professional development as they practice in different settings throughout the world.
- What is an International Continuing Nursing Education Credit (ICNEC)?
One ICNEC is equivalent to approximately 60 minutes of an ICN approved learning experience.
- What are the benefits of earning International Continuing Nursing Education Credits (ICNECs)?
ICNECs constitute evidence of continuing professional development. They may be used as part of the professional profile or portfolio required as proof of the nurse’s continued competency and required for: Re-licensure / Career advancement / Evidence in salary reviews.
- How to get the EFN training programme International Continuing Nursing Education Credits (ICNECs)?
All the EFN courses have been accredited with ICN International Continuing Nursing Education Credits, making them recognised at international level. To get the ICNCs, the learner needs to complete the accredited EFN course he/she is enrolled in.
At the end of each lesson of any EFN course, the learner will have to answer some questions to test the knowledge acquired. At the end of the course, if 90% of good answers is reached, the learner gets a certificate of completion which incorporates the number of ICNCs earned (as accredited by the International Council of Nurses).
>> Should you have any questions, please contact the EFN Office: